Education Sponsorship

Rockies Organisation sponsors naturally gifted but disadvantaged children from their last years of primary school, through O-level, and on to A-level, university diploma, or vocational training.
We recruit talented students from across Uganda’s regions and provide them sponsorships to pay for their education. We provide for fees and placements at boarding schools or host students in our own facilities to attend day school here in Kampala. All of our sponsored students' formal education is supplemented by their participation in Rockies Troupe as a social enterprise which helps them refine their talents and finance the sponsorship of their education.
Many of Uganda’s children do not get the opportunity to finish primary school let alone continue on with their education due to a number of factors including a family’s ability to pay school fees and the distance or quality of educational institutions in more remote parts of the country. Rockies intervention allows talented students who may not have otherwise been able to continue their education a platform to utilize their gifts and achieve a quality education.
We believe it is essential for young Ugandans to have diverse knowledge to compete in the labour market and lead fulfilling lives as citizens of Uganda. When children are empowered with quality education, this enables them to make significant contributions to the development of their society.
Currently we are sponsoring 60 students and are working hard to grow this number extensively.